Pengaruh reputasi penjamin emisi terhadap tingkat underpricing saham penawaran umum perdana (IPO) periode 2002-2008 di Bursa Efek Indonesia
This paper discuss about the Initial Public Offerings (IPO) at Indonesian Stock Exchange of 100 firms during research period of 2002 to 2008. The main focus of this research is to learn about underwriter?s reputation role on the initial return level of IPO stocks. The result showed a significantly positive initial return at first trading day which means there was an underpricing phenomenon on that period, and it was calculated using the raw initial return method and market adjusted initial return method. Using the daily most active brokers list as a proxy, the reputation of underwriter was proven significantly negative affecting the underpricing level.Ada tabel
Call Number | Location | Available |
6594 | PSB lt.2 - Karya Akhir | 1 |
Penerbit | Depok Departemen Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia., 2009 |
Edisi | - |
Subjek | Share valuation IPO Initial public offering Underpricing Underwriting |
Klasifikasi | - |
Deskripsi Fisik | xiii, 98 p. : diagr. ; 30 cm. |
Info Detail Spesifik | - |
Other Version/Related | Tidak tersedia versi lain |
Lampiran Berkas | Tidak Ada Data |