Analisis pengaruh strategi diversifikasi terhadap excess value perusahaan dan hubungannya dengan nilai pasar utang pada perusahaan tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2006-2011
This study analyzes the effect of the diversification strategy towards firm's excess value and its relationship with market value of debt on listed companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2006-2011. The authors found that the effect of diversification is consistently and significantly positive on firm?s value or produce a premium conglomerate. The authors found that the effect of diversification remains positive on firm?s value or produce a premium conglomerate and discovered the downward bias when calculating excess value using the book value of debt.Ada tabel
Call Number | Location | Available |
8466 | PSB lt.2 - Karya Akhir | 1 |
Penerbit | Depok Program Studi Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia., 2013 |
Edisi | - |
Subjek | Debt Diversification Leverage Market value Excess value |
Klasifikasi | - |
Deskripsi Fisik | xv, 79 p., 18 p. : diagr. ; 30 cm. |
Info Detail Spesifik | - |
Other Version/Related | Tidak tersedia versi lain |
Lampiran Berkas | Tidak Ada Data |