Multinational financial management 8th ed
PREFACE Approach The basic thrust of this tenth edition of Multinational Financial Management (MFM) is to providea conceptual framework within which the key financial decisions of the multinational firmcan be analyzed. The approach is to treat international financial management as a natural andlogical extension of the principles learned in the foundations course in financial management.Thus,itbuildsonandextendsthevaluationframeworkprovidedbydomesticcorporatefinanceto account for dimensions unique to international finance. Multinational Financial Management presumesaknowledgeofbasiccorporatefinance,economics,andalgebra.However,itdoesnotassume prior knowledge of international economics or international finance and is thereforeself-contained in that respect. MFM focuses on decision making in an international context. Analytical techniqueshelp translate the often vague guidelines used by international financial executives into specificdecisioncriteria.Thebookoffersavarietyofreal-lifeexamples,bothnumericalandinstitutional,that demonstrate the use of financial analysis and reasoning in solving international financialproblems. These examples have been culled from the thousands of applications of corporatepractice that I have collected over the years from business periodicals and my consultingpractice. Scattering the best of these examples throughout the text allows students to see thevalue of examining decision problems with the aid of a solid theoretical foundation. Seeminglydisparate facts and events can then be interpreted as specific manifestations of more generalfinancial principles. All the traditional areas of corporate finance are explored, including working capitalmanagement, capital budgeting, cost of capital, and financial structure. However, this is donefrom the perspective of a multinational corporation, concentrating on those decision elementsthat are rarely, if ever, encountered by purely domestic firms. These elements include multiplecurrencies with frequent exchange rate changes and varying rates of inflation, differing taxsystems, multiple money markets, exchange controls, segmented capital markets, and politicalrisks such as nationalization or expropriation. Throughout the book, I have tried to demystifyand simplify multinational financial management by showing that its basic principles rest onthe same foundation as does corporate finance.The emphasis throughout this book is on taking advantage of being multinational. Toooften companies focus on the threats and risks inherent in venturing abroad rather than on theopportunities that are available to multinational firms. These opportunities include the abilityto obtain a greater degree of international diversification than security purchases alone canprovide as well as the ability to arbitrage between imperfect capital markets, thereby obtainingfunds at a lower cost than could a purely domestic firm
Call Number | Location | Available |
Tan 658. 15 Sha m ( 8th ed ) | PSB lt.dasar - Pascasarjana | 2 |
Penerbit | Hobogen John Wiley & Sons., 2006 |
Edisi | - |
Subjek | Financial management |
ISBN/ISSN | 9780471725831 |
Klasifikasi | NONE |
Deskripsi Fisik | xxii, 713 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. |
Info Detail Spesifik | - |
Other Version/Related | Tidak tersedia versi lain |
Lampiran Berkas | Tidak Ada Data |