Business Research Methods 12
In its 12th edition, Business Research Methods, all chapters have been evaluated for currency and accuracy. Revisions were made to accommodate new information and trends in the industry. The book has a new structure and the Online Learning Center has been enhanced. ? The book chapter structure was changed by moving Multivariate Analysis: An Overview to the Online Learning Center, and renumbering the last two chapters, making the book 20 chapters in all, and by moving several end-of-chapter appendices to the Online Learning Center, as noted in the for-each-ofthe-chapters section below. ? We?ve removed the feature we called a pulsepoint? the pullout statistic drawn from a research project? to streamline the appearance of the chapter, and because this element was not a reviewer favorite. ? The Cases section contains the abstract for the new case: Marcus Thomas LLC Tests Hypothesis for Troy-Bilt Creative Development, and an updated case-by-chapter suggested use chart. ? Appendix A includes the newly redesigned MindWriter CompleteCare online survey. ? The 2012 Online Learning Center has new material including: a new case, Marcus Thomas LLC Tests Hypothesis for Troy-Bilt Creative Development, complete with instrument; the permissioned report Business Uses of Census Data and Nielsen Company Capabilities; EyeTrackShop?s example report Visual Effectiveness Research on McDonald?s YouTube Ad; the following appendices: Appendix 1a: How the Research Industry Works (updated), Appendix 5a: Bibliographic Database Searches, Appendix 5b: Advanced Database Searches (updated), Appendix 9a: Complex Experimental Designs, Appendix 9b: Test Markets, Appendix 13b: Pretesting Options and Discoveries; and the chapter Multivariate Analysis: An Overview. ? The Instructor?s Manual contains new research examples for discussion or testing, as noted below. For Each of the Chapters. A detailed listing of chapter-by-chapter changes is provided here for your convenience. ? Chapter 1 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; opening paragraph expounding on the theme relating to cloud technology and research; three new Snapshots: on Mercedes-Benz Snapshot of the Stars Insight online research community, on the client perspective of consultancy skills needed by researchers, and on pattern thinking at YUM!; updates to the factors that encourage the studying of research methods; new NTT Communications ad with caption relating to the importance of information to business; a PicProfi le on NextGen Marketing Research blog and website screenshot, related to blogs as an online training source for researchers; a new exhibit Where Business Collects Research Information and modifi cations to two Exhibits: the research process and what guarantees good research; and a new from-the-headlines discussion question. Additionally, content and data updates have been made as needed to refl ect the most current information available. The following element was moved to a different chapter: Snausages (PicProfi le to Chapter 12). The following elements have been moved to the Instructor?s Manual (IM) as additional discussion opportunities: Mary Kay (Snapshot) and MinuteMaid research model (Exhibit). The following items were removed: Maritz Research ad, Yahoo Banner ads (Snapshot). The following end-of- chapter appendix moves to the Online Learning Center: Appendix 1a: How the Research Industry Works. ? Chapter 2 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; two new Snapshots: on privacy issues related to locationbased services, and on ethics related to mobile surveys and ESOMAR and CASRO. Statistical updates have been made in the Snapshot Has Trust Trumped Privacy? New images have been added related to privacy issues related to children and to privacy related to hard-to-reach sample subjects. We added a new from-the-headlines discussion question and made changes and additions to Exhibit 2-5: Resources for Ethical Awareness. The following elements were moved to the IM: Snapshots related to TrustE (Engendering Trust Online) and tracking online behavior (Google: Tracking Search Patterns). ? Chapter 3 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; a new PicProfi le related to what infl uences online purchasers to abandon; the images related to the use of observation research and curiosity; and a new from-the-headlines discussion question. The following items were moved to the IM: the Snapshot related to researching emerging issues (Forrester Research: Can an Auto Dealership Go Lean?). The Synovate ad was removed. ? Chapter 4 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; new Snapshot related to embedding feedback mechanisms in websites on The Container Store and OpinionLab; new PicProfi le relating to emerging techniques in research from the GRIT report; new Snapshot related to use of video and online research involving new and expecting moms; new Decipher ad relating methodology choice to avoiding the favored-technique syndrome; and a new from-theheadlines discussion question. Modifi cations were made to Exhibit 4-1: The Research Process to refl ect the new chapter structure, and changes to the text related to the ongoing study of CompleteCare. A making- research-decisions discussion question was eliminated and replace with an Apple-related question. The iThink Meet your Focus Group ad was removed. The following elements were moved to the IM: the Snapshots Should Companies Hire Teens? and Covering Kids: The ManagementResearch Question Hierarchy, and the PicProfi le related to research for Kraft cheese. ? Chapter 5 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; new screenshot of USA.gov website; a new Snapshot on Odin Text, a text analytics software for do-ityourself researchers; a new from-the-headlines discussion question. A major change that is refl ected in this and other chapters is the repurposing of the MindWriter CompleteCare research project as an online survey; this resulted in signifi cant changes to the CloseUp: Proposing Research for MindWriter and the Exploration Phase. Additionally, modifi cations were made to the Snapshot Blogs: Gold Mine or Land Mine? to refl ect current statistics and trends, and to the Snapshot Surfi ng the Deep Web to update sources, and to the Snapshots How Will Cloud Computing Affect Research?, Mining the Web for Feelings?, and The Online Professional Community as a Source of Business Information to refl ect current thinking and new examples. A makingresearch-decisions discussion question was eliminated and replace with a TJMaxx-related question. The following element was moved to the IM: the Snapshot $1 Million Data Analysis Prize Improves Netfl ix Movie Predictions. The following appendices were moved to the Online Learning Center: Appendix 5a: Bibliographic Database Searches (with updates to Exhibits 5a-2 and 5a-3) and Appendix 5b: Advanced Database Searches. ? Chapter 6 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; text changes to refl ect the repurposing of the CompleteCare research as an online survey and new statistics on qualitative research; a new Snapshot with image on the McDonald?s listening tour research; a new Luth Research image related to permission-based online tracking research; a new image and caption related to sample selection; and a new from-the-headlines discussion question on Kraft renaming of its international snack food business. The following elements were moved to the IM: the Snapshots Cheskin Knows Teens, Smith Barney?s Benchmark Job Environment Research, and The Ohio Lottery Initiates a Two-Stage Study, and the PicProfi le on the United States Tennis Association; a discussion question on Tide Basics. The Zoomerang ad was removed. ? Chapter 7 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; text changes to refl ect new statistics on qualitative research and emerging or strengthening methodologies; new source for Exhibit 7-2; a new PicProfi le on Hallmark?s storybooks; a new Snapshot of mystery shopping at Offi ce Depot; a new fromthe-headlines discussion question on Pepsi?s ?Live for Now? campaign. The following elements were modifi ed: the Snapshot What Does Cyberspace Offer for Performance Review Research? was changed to refl ect a change in company name and add a new example. The NCR discussion question was moved to the making-research-decisions section. The following elements were moved to the IM: the Snapshots Hamilton Beach: Right Blend(er) for Mexico, but Not for Europe and Hallmark: Qualitative Research Enriches Sinceramente Hallmark. The following element was eliminated: a makingresearch-decisions discussion question related to the removed Hallmark Snapshot. ? Chapter 8 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; a new Snapshot related to neuroscience and PET scan in business research; a new Snapshot on Web-based eye tracking research; a new image included with the Snapshot When Physicians and Their Patients Are Research Subjects; and a new from-the-headlines discussion question on Walmart. Modifi cations were made to the following elements: the Snapshot Walmart Boosts RFID Technology for Observation; adjustment to discussion question 6. The following elements were moved to the IM: the Snapshots People Meters Go Personal, New Mexico?s Longitudinal Observation Study of Seatbelt Use, and SizeUSA. ? Chapter 9 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; new Snapshot on Wendy?s new burger test market; new Snapshot on a beverage message experiment; and a new from-the-headlines discussion question related to mergers. The following elements were changed: new graphic within the Snapshot Online Dating Industry Claims Vs. Kissing a Lot of Frogs to refl ect new data. The following elements were moved to the Online Learning Center: Appendices 9a: Complex Experimental Designs and 9b: Test Markets. The following elements were moved to the IM: PicProfi le on Best Buy; and Snapshots T.G.I. Friday?s Experiments with Smaller Portions and A Nose for Problem Odors. ? Chapter 10 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; a new Snapshot on gamifi cation in research; PicProfi le related to interview methodology use over time; in-text changes related to updating statistics and, within Exhibits, company name changes; a new PicProfi le related to mixed-mode research; statistics updates within the Snapshot Are Cell Phones and Smartphones Ready for Research?; a new PicProfi le on telephone research response rates; intext changes related to the repurposed MindWriter CompleteCare project; a new from the headlines discussion question related to voice-of-consumer (VoC) research; a reference in the case listing for the new case: Marcus Thomas LLC Tests Hypothesis for Troy-Bilt Creative Development. The following elements were moved to the IM: the Snapshots Starwood Hotels Measures the Power of Comments, Radio and Research, and Aleve: Personal Interviews Provide Relief. The following elements were eliminated: PicProfi le on RTI call center. ? Chapter 11 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; new image related to the in-text example; new image and new in-text changes about nominal scales related to that image; a new Snapshot related to talent analytics in HR; replacement of discussion question 8 and a new from-the-headlines discussion question. The following element was moved to the IM: the Snapshot Measuring Attitudes about Copyright Infringement. The image of LeBron James was removed. ? Chapter 12 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; the iThink image related to online focus groups; the Snausages PicProfi le; a new Snapshot related to Maritz and how it measures customer satisfaction; a new PicProfi le related to branching questions executed with SurveyMonkey online software; new image related to shopping research; changes to the CloseUp related to the MindWriter CompleteCare project due to repurposing the study as an online survey; and a new from-the-headlines discussion question related to the iPad. The following element was moved to the IM: the Snapshot Measuring Respect. ? Chapter 13 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; a new Verint dashboard image related to managing information from different sources; a new Exhibit 13-3 on factors affecting respondent honesty; a new Snapshot relating to challenges and Solutions to Mobile Questionnaires; updates to Exhibit Sources of Questions; updates to Sample Components of Communication Instruments to refl ect online surveys; and major change to the CloseUp: Instrument Design for MindWriter to include the new online survey for the CompleteCare research project; a new from-theheadlines discussion question related to the employment; and a reference in the case listing for the new case: Marcus Thomas LLC Tests Hypothesis for Troy-Bilt Creative Development. The following element was moved to the IM: the Snapshot A Survey Cold as Ice. The following element was moved to the Online Learning Center: Appendix 13b: Pretesting Options and Discoveries. ? Chapter 14 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; a new Serta image; a new Snapshot on using charitable donations to incentivize participation; a new Snapshot on mixed-access sampling; in-text changes to Chinese cell phone use statistics; a new from-the-headlines discussion question about Nike product introductions; and a reference in the case listing for the new case: Marcus Thomas LLC Tests Hypothesis for Troy-Bilt Creative Development. The following elements were moved to the IM: the Snapshots Creating Samples: Then and Now and New Product Research Blind Spot. ? Chapter 15 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; new image related to data quality; a new image for XSight software; a new caption related to the IBM? SPSS? image; a new from-the-headlines discussion question related to data sourcing solutions. The following element was modifi ed: a statistical change to the Snapshot CBS: Some Labs Are Extraordinary. ? Chapter 16 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; a new Snapshot on Novations data visualization; Exhibits 16-2 and 16-3 are new and relate to social media use and text references to these Exhibits have been changed as well; all the tables within the CloseUp Using Tables to Understand Data are new; a new geospatial image from RealtyTrac; a new Snapshot on digital natives; and a new from-the-headlines discussion question related to tablet apps. The following modifi cations were made: the Snapshot Internet-Age Researchers: Building Critical Transferable Skills was moved within the chapter; art modifi cations to the graph within the Snapshot Empowering Excel; the Snapshot Internet-Age Researchers: Building Critical Transferable Skills has moved to later in the chapter. The following elements were moved to the IM: the Snapshot Extensive Research Launches Starbucks Card Duetto? Visa. The following element was eliminated: The DDW image. ? Chapter 17 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; a new Prius image and caption with updated information; a new Snapshot about hypothesis testing; new Snapshot on A/B testing; and a new from-the-headlines discussion question on aptitude tests. The following elements were moved to the IM: the Snapshot Direct-to-Consumer Ads under Heavy Fire; the Snapshot Research beyond the Clip. The following elements were modifi ed: the Snapshot Testing a Hypothesis of Unrealistic Drug Use in Movies. ? Chapter 18 The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; a new Snapshot about the Oscars; a new image with the Constellation Wines PicProfi le; and a new from-theheadlines discussion question related to correlation and the building of skyscrapers. This following elements were moved to the IM: the Snapshot What?s a Business Education without Wine? The following elements were modifi ed: the Snapshot Envirosell: Studies Reveal Left-Hand Retail was moved later in the chapter; updates were made to the Snapshot Advanced Statistics Increase Satisfaction and Release More Funds through ATMs. ? Chapter 19 This was previously Chapter 20. The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; a new image related to proofi ng; changes to the CloseUp MindWriter Written Report to refl ect the redesigned project as an online survey; new in-text content under Semi-Tabular and Tabular headings; new content in Exhibit 19-5 Sample Tabular Finding; new data and graphs for Exhibit 19-8: U.S. Truck Sales; and a new fromthe-headlines discussion question related to small business optimism. The following elements were modifi ed: Exhibit 19-7: Cable Subscribers. ? Chapter 20 This was previously Chapter 21, which was totally new in the last edition. The following elements are new to this edition: the chapter-opening pull quote; new image related to online presentations; new information in Exhibit 20-13: Using Key Word Prompts as a Substitute for Notes; new in-text table related to business jargon; a new PicProfi le related to the use of pictographs in oral presentations; and a new from-the-headlines discussion question related to a famous trial. The following elements were modifi ed: 10 Exhibits (20-2, 20-3, 20-4, 20-5, 20-6, 20-7, 20-8, 20-10, 20-11, and 20-15) to enhance understanding through a different use of color or design..NULL.NULL
Call Number | Location | Available |
Tan 650. 071 Coo b ( 12 ed ) | PSB lt.dasar - Pascasarjana | 1 |
Penerbit | New York McGraw Hill., 2014 |
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Subjek | Business research Business Research Methods |
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Deskripsi Fisik | - |
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