Asset liquidity and stock liquidity
We study the relation between asset liquidity and stock liquidity. Our model shows that the relation may be either positive or negative depending on parameter values. Asset liquidity improves stock liquidity more for firms that are less likely to reinvest their liquid assets (i.e., firms with less growth opportunities and financially constrained firms). Empirically, we find a positive and economically large relation between asset liquidity and stock liquidity. Consistent with our model, the relation is more positive for firms that are less likely to reinvest their liquid assets. Our results also shed light on the value of holding liquid assets..Printed Journal, baca ditempat
Call Number | Location | Available |
JFQA4702 | PSB lt.dasar - Pascasarjana | 1 |
Penerbit | Cambridge Cambridge University Press., |
Edisi | - |
Subjek | - |
ISBN/ISSN | 221090 |
Klasifikasi | - |
Deskripsi Fisik | - |
Info Detail Spesifik | - |
Other Version/Related | Tidak tersedia versi lain |
Lampiran Berkas | Tidak Ada Data |